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⦃param⦄ helps you to streamline and optimise logistics operations across multiple carriers, from order planning and execution monitoring to financial control and performance measurement




Businesses will be able to orchestrate orders between multiple manufacturing sites, distribution centres, and sales channels, effectively monitor the process, as well as manage carrier costs and performance across inbound, outbound, and reverse order flows. With bespoke workflows built for shipment lifecycles, organisations can streamline transport procurement services and integrate with logistics service providers of different sizes to gain visibility on one single platform.

Vehicle Vanning

Intelligently plans and optimises cargo loading, enhancing space utilisation, reducing costs, and improving overall supply chain efficiency.

Smart Route Optimisation

Analyse real-time data, including traffic conditions, weather, and delivery schedules, to generate the most efficient and cost-effective routes.

Synchronise Shipment Planning

Streamline global, multi-leg, multiparty freight planning with automatic updates from upstream changes

Truck Allocation

Consolidating multiple shipments and/or arranging freight to use the capacity of trucks, rail cars, pallets,and any other types of containers in the most efficient way.

Frieght Rate Management

Get Efficient Frieght procurement and minimise shipping expenses by comparing rates from multiple carriers, selecting the most cost-effective options, and negotiating favorable terms.

Centralised Return Centre

It consolidates returns from various locations, enabling standardised procedures, data analysis for trends, and cost savings. This approach supports sustainable practices while streamlining the reverse logistics process.


Forward Logistics

Optimise the movement of goods from manufacturers to end consumers. Streamline processes such as demand forecasting,order
management,inventory control,transportation optimisation,Vehicle Vanning and delivery tracking. With real-time visibility, automated workflows, and data-driven insights.


Reverse Logistics

Gain complete visibility and control over the entire product life cycle in reverse, minimizing costs and maximizing recovery value. Seamlessly handle returns, track assets, and efficiently manage inventory, all while ensuring compliance with regulations and sustainability practices



Achieve seamless control and global visibility for export-import operations with ⦃param⦄. Real-time tracking, timely deliveries, and simplified trade management.Elevate your success with us.



⦃param⦄ offers logistics and transportation management with advanced, multi-modal and reverse management capabilities to support the full order lifecycle

90 days reduction in payment cycle to Carriers

⦃param⦄ helped a global leader in automotive engineering to improve relationships with logistics service providers by reducing the payment cycle by 90 days with automated invoice processing for completed freight orders. The system captured ePoD (electronic Proof of Delivery) and other details to trigger a smart contract that accurately estimates freight costs and shares draft invoices with 150+ transporters across the country

10 November 2022

Let’s talk

Product  offers  a  systematic  way to establish interoperability between heterogeneous enterprises and build multi-enterprise  workflow applications.

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